Southern Vales Christian College

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staff profile: jade thompson, teacher at Morphett vale campus

Meet Mrs Thompson, part of our Morphett Vale team. We asked Mrs Thompson what lead her to become a teacher, and if she could share some wonderful moments from her time as a teacher.

“Since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to be a teacher. I loved playing teachers when I was little with my friends, I would be up the front telling them what to do and creating activities for them to play with. I have always had a heart for children and believe that just like the Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” I believe that as a teacher, I am influencing the future generation and so I want to do what I can to set children up for success, not only each day but in their future to come. My passion for teaching grows every day. I love walking into my class at Southern Vales Christian College each day and enjoying every moment of exciting learning with my students. Over the course of my teaching career, I’ve had a few roles including starting as a Performing Arts and Year One teacher. It has been a lot of fun and so wonderful to live out my dream!

A great memory to share:
I have so many wonderful moments in teaching. Each day, I get to see the children in my classroom grow. When they have those wonderful moments of understanding and are filled with wonder, I feel so blessed to be able to nurture and guide them in these times. It’s such a blessing to share in their lives and support them in their learning journey. It is also very special to be able to work with beautiful families in partnership, celebrating moments with them and their children. One of the most important things to me is having so many opportunities to talk about God and see His goodness, seeing God work in the lives of my students and seeing them experience the presence of God as they sing and worship Him. One particular moment that comes to mind is when one student actually gave his life to the Lord.  We had been talking about following Jesus in class and that weekend he chose to make the life-changing decision and when he came to share this event with me showing so much excitement it was the happiest moment, his peers cheered him and broke into simultaneous praise! There are so many other great moments, discussions, and times where I am filled with laughter that bring me so much joy and I am just so grateful that each day so many amazing new memories are made.

Someone she would love to talk to over lunch, from the past thousand years?

I do not have to go too far back for mine, I would love to take my Great Pop out for lunch. When I was in school, I was given an assignment where I needed to write a letter in the perspective of the past in a narrative form. I decided to talk to my Great Pop about his time in the war and I found out some fascinating stories, which led me to write a narrative about relationships in the war times based on letters that my Great Pop wrote for my Great Gran. Now that I am older, I do not remember those stories, but I remember being in awe of what he told me. So, I would like to go back and hear them again, I believe that we can learn a lot from the past of our loved ones and from the Bible.

Thank you Mrs Thompson for sharing!