Extended Learning
The Extended Learning program inspires creativity through the development of critical thinking and high quality schoolwork across the curriculum. The ELP encourages excellence by providing a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, programs, and appropriately differentiated classroom learning experiences.
We are a “School cooperating with Australian Mensa”. As part of this reciprocal relationship, we have a number of special privileges. We are able to publish events organised by the school and aimed at intellect development on the website of Australian Mensa. School staff receives advice on our in school activities aimed at intellect development. On-site school Mensa testing is done annually for large student groups of potential Mensa members. We get the latest in information about activities organised by Australian Mensa, including the national Mensa children’s conference held in Adelaide November 2019. We also receive their regular publications. Additional in school supports are provided for our student Mensa members and their families. For more information, please see the following website: https://www.mensa.org.au/giftedchildren/schools

How Do We Define Giftedness?
We look at multiple indicators of academic ability or potential when offering places in the ELP. Gifted students are identified using a range of objective criteria such as standardised testing results and IQ tests. We also use subjective criteria such as teacher and parent nomination forms and work samples. A variety of flexible provisions designed to facilitate the realisation of the potential of each student is offered from Foundation to Year 10.
Meeting Gifted Students' Needs
Whole Class
We first address student needs through the provision of differentiated learning tasks in mainstream classroom settings, by close collaboration between classroom teachers and the Extended Learning Coach. Teachers are also involved in on-going professional development in the areas of critical and creative thinking, as well as SVCC’s Understanding by Design curriculum.
We also promote participation in well-respected educational competitions in a variety of curriculum areas.
Creative and critical thinking skills are an optimal way students can be extended. Small groups participate in Philosophy lessons to develop these skills.
Some one-on-one instruction is provided for students who are highly exceptional. Single subject acceleration is also available to students as needed.
Chess Tournaments www.chessschool.com.au
We run regular chess lunch time clubs, in-school tournaments and host the regional Interschool Chess Tournaments.
Debating www.debatingsa.com.au
We participate in the Debating SA annual competitions.
Oliphant Science Awards www.oliphantscienceawards.com.au
Primary and Secondary classes are involved in the Oliphant Science competitions each year.
Tournament of the Mind www.tom.edu.au/branch/SA
This competition is designed to extend and challenge high level thinking and expressive language through a group presentation that meets special creative criteria. Upper Primary and Secondary students are invited to be involved.