SVCC Uniforms
Uniforms can be fitted and purchased from
Lowes at Colonnades Noarlunga
Second Hand Uniforms are not sold by the school, some parents choose to use the SVCC Second Hand Uniforms facebook group.
The College uniform policy is deliberately specific in the details of styles and brands required, many items incorporating the College logo or monogram. These details are intentional and designed to ensure there are no ‘variations’ but that all students are wearing correct College uniform.
It is expected, as parents and students partner with and support the College, that they will undertake to ensure correct uniform, as outlined by this policy, is worn at all times. Families will be required to promptly remedy any uniform infringements.
There may be occasions where an unexpected problem has arisen with a student’s uniform. Please notify the College and rectify the situation promptly.
All uniform items need to be labelled with the student’s name.

From 2025, all Year 7 and Year 10 students will be required to wear a blazer as part of their formal winter uniform (in Term 2 & 3) both to and from the college.
The blazer will also need to be worn as part of the formal winter uniform for Assemblies, special excursions, Semester 1 Exams, as well as for other formal occasions during the year (also including the end of year middle & senior secondary presentation events)..
From Term 1 2026, all Year 7, 8, 10, and 11 students will be required to wear a blazer as part of their summer and winter uniform. For 2026, the blazer will be optional for Years 9 and 12.
From Term 1 2027, all secondary students will be required to wear a blazer as part of their summer and winter uniform.
Lockers will be provided to secondary students in which they can store their blazers when they are not required.
It is expected that all uniform items will be clean and in good repair. Please no frayed uniforms or faded hats. Shoes should be polished and in good condition.
Small plain gold or silver sleepers or round studs may be worn - one in each ear to be positioned only in the lower earlobe. Earrings must not have stones or jewels. Stud posts to be no more than 1 cm in length.
No other body piercing is allowed, nor is it acceptable to cover these piercings with a band-aid.
The only other approved jewellery items are watches.A cross may be worn as long as it is not visible.
Makeup may not be worn. This includes foundation, any form of eye makeup, eyelash extensions, lipstick, lip gloss, etc; and coloured nail polish.
Hair should be well groomed and worn in a modest and conservative style, and not covering the face. Hair must be natural in colour. For all students, if hair is below collar length, it must be tied back.
Boys should be clean shaven at all times.
Extreme hair styles or colouring are not permitted. The Principal will make the final decision if there is a dispute over what constitutes a neat and conservative hairstyle.
Hair ties: Hair ties must be red, black or navy.
Hair clips: Brown bobby pins or plain red, black or navy ‘click in’ hair clips may be worn.
Ribbons: Plain single coloured ribbons in red or navy may be worn tied into a ponytail, plait, pigtails or bun.
Headbands: Headbands or scrunchies must be Navy Blue or matching the College dress fabric currently being worn (summer or winter) are permitted.
The SVCC Summer uniform is to be worn in Term 1 & Term 4.
The SVCC Winter uniform is to be worn from 1st June to the end of Term 3.
From the beginning of Term 2 until the 31st May, either the Summer or Winter uniform is to be worn dependent upon weather conditions.
Either the complete Winter or the complete Summer uniform is to be worn; not a mixture of both.
Hat cords can become caught in play equipment which may become a choking hazard. Please wear the College hat that has only hat-sized adjusting cord, not a cord that goes under the chin.
Care needs to be given to selecting any other hat that may be worn at other times, for example, for Book Week or Hispanic Day dress up days.