harmony week

Our ELC students enjoyed a special Harmony Week travel “excursion”

Last week at our Early Learning Centre, we took our students on a journey to explore different countries and cultures. Each day, we invited a primary class to join us on an imaginary plane ride to a new destination.

To choose the countries, we reached out to our ELC enrolled families and asked them to share their cultural backgrounds with us.

During our flight (which took place indoors), we engaged the students with educational videos and special guest speakers who shared their knowledge and experiences of the destination's culture. We were able to learn about the country's history, customs, and traditions through interactive discussions.

Once we "landed," we took all of our students outside and hosted a vibrant dancing party. We played traditional music and encouraged the children to try their hand at copying the traditional dance moves. It was a fun and engaging way to learn about different cultures and appreciate the beauty of diversity.


Tasty treats from home ec students.


Staff profile : Juliana director of our elc