Staff profile: Sherry james

Mrs James has always had a passion to become a teacher from as young as she can remember. From an early age she could always be seen with a piece of chalk in hand and a blackboard!

She combined her other passion of fashion by working as a model in South Africa as well as running her own Deportment and Grooming school for 20 years, where she loved seeing young girls develop confidence and begin to believe in themselves.

Mrs James taught for 10 years in South Africa and is in her 12th year of teaching here at Southern Vales Christian College. Now she enjoys seeing all of her passions combined teaching Fashion Design as one of her subjects, at the College.

She has so many beautiful memories of teaching but the fulfilment of seeing young people believe they are capable of great things is an overriding joy.

Thank you Mrs James for all you do at Southern Vales!


staff profile: Mrs Chione Jenkins


AGM report